
We value your choice! To ensure a pleasant stay in the chalet, please review the following rules:

Check-in is at 3:00 PM unless otherwise arranged.

Check-out is by 12:00 PM unless otherwise arranged.

Please inform the manager 30 minutes before you check out of the chalet.

Adhere to fire safety regulations during your stay.

Smoking is permitted only in designated areas.

Smoking tobacco products and using hookahs inside the house is prohibited.

Only charcoal is allowed for barbecuing.

Staying with pets is not allowed.

Bringing explosive or toxic materials into the house is prohibited.

Using pyrotechnics (firecrackers, fireworks, signal rockets) on the property is prohibited.

Moving furniture or taking it outside is prohibited.

Taking decor, interior items, and other belongings from the house is prohibited.

In case of loss or damage to property, guests and the person who made the booking are responsible for full compensation.

Dispose of personal hygiene items in the trash bins provided.

Exercise safety precautions when using the pool and sauna.

Thank you for your understanding and we wish you an unforgettable stay!