Booking, Payment and Accommodation Rules

Advance payment and responsibility for compliance with these rules shall be a prerequisite for accommodation in the chalets of the «Nero Bianca» LLP. Booking of the chalets of the «Nero Bianca» LLP shall be deemed as a confirmation of the acceptance of these rules for execution without exceptions and reservations.

1. General Provisions
1.1. In these rules, capitalized terms have the following meanings:
1.1.1. «Guest» or «Guests» - the Responsible Person and / or any other person staying in the Chalet at the invitation of the Responsible Person.
1.1.2. «Chalet» – the «Nero» chalet and/or the «Bianca» chalet, provided for temporary residence for a set fee.
1.1.3. «Responsible Person» - an individual or legal entity that paid for the reservation of the Chalet.
1.1.4. «Restaurant» - Restaurant «Rifugio del Monte», adjacent to the Chalet.
1.2. These rules establish the conditions for the accommodation of Guests in the Chalet. If an individual agreement is made to provide for the accommodation of a group of Guests, these rules shall apply to the extent they do not contradict to such an agreement.
1.2. These rules apply to all Guests, regardless of citizenship and length of stay, and in respect to terms of payment and liability for the Guest’s actions (omission to act) - to the Responsible Person, regardless of the organizational form and form of ownership.

2. Reservation of the Chalet
2.1. Reservation of the Chalet shall be subject to the payment of a booking fee in an amount equal to at least 100% (one hundred percent) of the fee for the initial night of stay in the Chalet. Upon check-in, the booking fee shall be set off against the fee for the initial night of stay in the Chalet.
2.2. Payment for the reservation shall be made by the Responsible Person on the basis of the invoice sent by the «Nero Bianca» LLP via e-mail or WhatsApp number indicated by the Responsible Person at the booking. In exceptional cases, booking of the Chalet without a reservation fee shall be allowed at the sole discretion of the «Nero Bianca» LLP.
2.3. Cancellation shall be subject to the following conditions:
2.3.1. Cancellation of a booking 14 (fourteen) or more days prior to the scheduled arrival shall be carried out with a deduction of a penalty in the amount of 300,000 (three hundred thousand) tenge from the booking fee. In the event of insufficiency of the booking fee cancellation of a booking shall be subject to the payment of the specified penalty.
2.3.2. Cancellation less than 14 (fourteen) days before the scheduled arrival shall be subject to a deduction of 100% (one hundred percent) of the cost of stay during the initial night of accommodation.
2.4. Subject to paragraph 2.3. hereof a refund of money in the event of cancelation of a booking shall be made based on:
2.4.1. a letter of the Responsible Person to the «Nero Bianca» LLP on cancellation of the booking with the indication of bank details for the refund; as well as
2.4.2. a photo of the document confirming the payment for the booking; as well as
2.4.3. a photo of the identity document (for individuals).
Refund shall be made within 5 (five) business days by a wire transfer to the bank account of the Responsible Person specified in the cancellation letter.

3. Payment for accommodation in the Chalet
3.1. Payment for accommodation in the Chalet shall be charged in full no later than the check-in time of the Guest (Guests). The «Nero Bianca» LLP shall not be responsible and shall be released from compensation for any losses in the event of refusal to provide for the accommodation in the Chalet due to non-receipt of the relevant payment.
3.2. Prices for accommodation in the Chalet shall be changed by the «Nero Bianca» LLP at its sole discretion. However, the new prices shall not apply to the bookings made prior to the change of prices, provided the booking has been paid in accordance with the conditions hereof.
3.3. Check-in and check-out time:
• Check-in at 15.00;
• Check-out at 12.00.
3.4. Early checking in and late checking out of the Chalet shall be allowed subject to written agreement with the «Nero Bianca» LLP. Conditions for early check-in and late check-out shall be negotiated with the «Nero Bianca» LLP on a case by case basis.
3.5. Early checking out of the Chalet shall be conducted with deduction of payment for all days of stay declared at the time of booking. In exceptional cases, at the sole discretion of the «Nero Bianca» LLP, a refund of a part of the accommodation fee may be carried out. The conditions of such refund shall be negotiated on a case by case basis. The refund (if any) shall be carried out by a wire transfer to the Responsible Person’s bank account, indicated in Responsible Person’s written notice to the «Nero Bianca» LLP.

4. Conditions for Accommodation in the Chalet
4.1. Checking into the Chalet shall be subject to the presentation of identity documents of the Responsible Person and / or Guest (Guests): passports, identity cards, birth certificates. The «Nero Bianca» LLP shall be entitled to require foreign citizens to present a visa and a migration card, when the availability of these documents is provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4.2. The «Nero Bianca» LLP shall be entitled to use the personal data of the Responsible Person and / or Guest(s) in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For these purposes, the «Nero Bianca» LLP shall have the right to keep copies of identity documents, provided that they are not disclosed to the third parties, except representatives of state authorities acting within their legal powers.
4.3. The number of Guests should not exceed 6 (six) people, unless otherwise agreed with the «Nero Bianca» LLP in writing.
4.4. Standard cleaning of the Chalet shall be carried out on a daily basis. Additional cleaning shall be carried out by written agreement with the «Nero Bianca» LLP.
4.5. Payment for the Restaurant’s services shall be made at the cash desk of the Restaurant.
4.6. For the purposes of personal safety and safety of property Guests should:
- handle the property and equipment of the Chalet and the Restaurant with due care;
- turn off electrical appliances (except refrigerators), close the taps of plumbing fixtures, windows and the door to the Chalet before leaving the Chalet;
- comply with the rules of public order, sanitation and fire safety.
4.7. In order to ensure order and safety, Guests shall not be allowed to:
- take out decor items, interior items, etc. from the Chalet;
- keep animals in the Chalet without a written consent of the «Nero Bianca» LLP;
- move furniture in the Chalet;
- pour water on to the stove of the Chalet sauna’s steam room;
- leave minors in the sauna and / or pool of the Chalet unattended;
- consume food and drinks in the steam room of the Chalet’s sauna;
- transfer the key to the Chalet to unauthorized person(s);
- store flammable, explosive, toxic, narcotic materials and substances in the Chalet;
- smoke in the Chalet;
- use heating devices in the Chalet, except for those provided by the «Nero Bianca» LLP;
- hold events in the Chalet without the written consent of the «Nero Bianca» LLP.
4.8. In the event of a fire alarm activation, representatives of the Nero Bianca LLP are authorized to enter the Chalet to determine the cause. In this case, representatives of the Nero Bianca LLP are required to knock or call at the door, and if the Guests do not open the door within 5 (five) minutes, they are allowed to enter the Chalet using their own keys. If the fire alarm is triggered in the absence of the Guests, the representatives of the Nero Bianca LLP shall undertake to inform the Guests about the incident.
4.9. The «Nero Bianca» LLP shall be entitled to carry out video surveillance within the territory adjacent to the Chalet, store such video records and use them for the purposes of maintaining order and / or presenting to representatives of state bodies acting within their legal powers. There is no video surveillance inside the Chalet.
4.10. At least 30 (thirty) minutes prior to the expected checking out of the Chalet, the Responsible Person shall notify the representative of the «Nero Bianca» LLP, return the Chalet’s keys, pay for additional services and compensate for the damage caused to the property of the «Nero Bianca» LLP by the Guests (if any).

5. Responsibility
5.1. Responsibility for compliance with these rules shall be vested with each of the Guests, as well as other with the other persons invited by the Responsible Person or other Guests. Compensation for the damage caused to the property of the «Nero Bianca» LLP shall be carried out by the Responsible Person.
5.2. The Nero Bianca LLP shall be entitled to collect the following penalties from the Responsible Person in the event of violation of these rules by the Responsible Person and/or any of the Guests:
5.2.1. for the loss of the room key - 10,000 (ten thousand) tenge;
5.2.2. for violation of fire safety and public order - 100,000 (one hundred thousand) tenge;
5.2.3. for other violations of these rules - 30,000 (thirty thousand) tenge;
5.3. The «Nero Bianca» LLP shall not be responsible for the operation of urban communications (light, water, heat, etc.) and shall not compensate for the damage caused by the unsatisfactory operation of urban communications.
5.4. The «Nero Bianca» LLP shall be entitled to refuse providing services to the Responsible Person and / or Guests in the event of repeated or gross violation of these rules by any of the Guests and demand eviction from the Chalet. At the same time, the «Nero Bianca» LLP shall have the right to withhold from the amount of payment for the Chalet the cost of services actually rendered, as well as the applicable fines provided for herein.
5.5. The «Nero Bianca» LLP shall be released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations if it was the result of force majeure, namely: fire, strike, acts of authorities, including in the event of a temporary suspension of the activities of LLP «Nero Bianca» by sanitary and epidemiological, fire and other service authorized for such actions, floods, earthquakes, wars and hostilities, as well as other obligations that the «Nero Bianca» LLP could not foresee and prevent by reasonable forces, and which are beyond the control of the «Nero Bianca» LLP, if these circumstances directly affected the fulfillment of the «Nero Bianca» LLP's obligations.
5.6. Notwithstanding any provision of these rules, the non-arrival of the Guests due to the termination of the ski season and / or the termination of the cableway does not release the Responsible Person from the obligation to pay for accommodation in the Chalet in the manner prescribed by these rules.
5.7. Other legal relationships not regulated herein shall be regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.